Tools Hanging

Over-Reliance on Tools to Solve Business Problems

In my work with company leadership, I frequently encounter dissatisfaction with current software programs and digital tools, particularly in project management and enterprise resource management (ERP). Many leaders are evaluating or considering a change in their business software, believing that new tools will solve their problems. However, a closer look

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Boosting Accountability in Your Business

Boosting Accountability in Your Business: A Practical Guide Achieving accountability in a business setting is no small feat, but it’s essential for long-term success. After years of striving for this goal, I discovered that it boils down to a few key concepts. Here’s how you can improve accountability in your

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Pie Chart Hand

What is a Fractional Chief Operating Officer

Have you been struggling to keep up with running your firm?  Stuck on the hamster wheel trying to be the leader, operator, business developer and technical guru?  Do you lack the time to focus on creating improvements or growth, but aren’t confident you can carry a full-time COO?  You are

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a man holding binoculars in a safari setting

The Poaching Problem

Somewhere along the line, the term “poaching” became interchangeable with “recruiting” in the business landscape. This mischaracterization of the recruiting process has always bothered me. Poaching, in its intended context, is “the illegal killing or capturing of wild animals.” The implications of using this term to describe recruiting are extremely problematic. First,

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Brett Jordan Lpzy4da9aro Unsplash

Elevating Email Communication: The Power of Acknowledgment

In the fast-paced landscape of professional communication dominated by emails, there’s a simple yet often underestimated practice that has the potential to transform your interactions: acknowledging receipt. In this blog post, we’ll explore the impact of this small but significant step towards First Class Communication. The Silence Dilemma Think about

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roundtable discussion

Tackling the Top Challenges for Small AEC Firms with BOSS

During my recent attendance at the CEO roundtable for small firms at the ACEC National Conference in Austin, Texas, CEOs shared their top challenges:  Firm Growth Ownership Transition and Succession Planning Workforce Shortage While topics like AI, DEI, and workforce shortages dominate the industry narrative, these rankings are quite fitting

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